Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Deliverable #1

Deliverable #1 will be posted under this entry.  As a refresher of expectations here is quote from the directions on the syllabus:
#1 – Choose or create a potential teaching /learning unit– (either classroom or professional development/training session) and provide an outline of the participants, their learning needs, topics to be included, setting (face-to-face, online, hybrid, etc.), and timeline for course/session. This may serve as the foundation for development of your final project. - Due by the end of week 4 (10/3).

Here are some additional readings and assignments for this week and some questions that I'd like you to address w/i our discussions, as well. You may respond to them under the first posting of Week 4, not under this D1 entry.  Just put your D1 response below this entry, and contact me privately with any troubles or specific questions.

Have fun!

PS--I have included the responses from last year's course participants, so you may have models to follow.


  1. D#1

    The participants this presentation is geared for are adult learners. The umbrella of mentoring – especially reciprocal mentoring, can encompass all teaching avenues, from in-class or online to any type of training. All students have something to offer others and can always learn new things in the process.

    Mentoring occurs within all relationships. It can occur between friends, superiors, family members, or between co-workers – any association which experiences a positive psychosocial can benefit from reciprocal mentoring.

    Mentoring can happen with or without a timeline – people who have had a successful mentorship in their life are more willing to seek out additional mentoring relationships in the future.

    Here is a Movenote presentation that I created on this topic:


    1. Wonderful presentation and solid content Sharyn!

    2. Hi Sharyn, I responded, with your D1 grade, using the 'reply' function in Movenote.

  2. Deliverable #1 –Create a Wiki for collaborative mentoring and development. My participants will be (URI New hires and seasoned employees within the administrative and fiscal sections) their learning needs, (training and development) topics to be included, (New hire orientation training with HR, Purchasing, and Financials modules along with lots of Q & A discussion) My setting is online through the use of my Wiki with the occasional f2f meeting. Timeline for course/session (My hope is to have it be an ongoing tool and source for discussions within the various departments).
    Here is the address to my wiki, I have invited the entire class to check it out. Just remember, you will need to confirm your membership to wiki first, then it will let you in.

  3. Deliverable #1 - I created an active reading session for my adult, remedial reading students. The participant’s failure to meet certain criteria resulted in their being assigned to a remedial reading class. Topics for this session will include discovering why active reading is important, and active reading strategies. This particular session is 1 class; however the remainder of this reading remediation course will run once a week for the semester. Additional topics will include: vocabulary, identifying topics, main ideas, topic sentences, organizational patterns, valid/invalid arguments. This is a face-to-face session.
    Please see my link here:

  4. D #1
    I plan on creating an interactive training blog – or wiki (not sure yet) for employees at URI who utilize the e-Campus system to hire students, grads and internal employees.
    The blog will be geared toward the department admins, business managers, and any other clerical employee that may have to do this as part of their job.
    Currently these employees have had to take a face to face class in order to get security for this. However, since there is a lot of information to absorb, I plan to incorporate the blog/wiki as an online component to enhance their learning and understanding of how to do this particular aspect of their job. Those who have security to do these actions will be advised of the blog/wiki and given the address and encouraged to utilize as much as possible.
    The blog/wiki will contain all training materials posted as well as include an open discussion board for questions and comments that come up daily. There will also be a page for special announcements that department admins will need to be aware of.
    There is no definitive timeline for this as training in this area is continuous. Information is continuously changing and being updated.

  5. Deliverable #1
    I plan on developing a hybrid course for adult learners who would like to get confirmed but are unable to attend weekly f2f classes at their parish. My course will probably be a blog format, in which I will include Movenote presentations and online discussions to discuss weekly readings/assignments, as well as one f2f session each month, or on Webex, depending on the needs of my students. The course will last approximately 4-6 months and will cover the faith, the liturgy, church history, christian life and prayer.

    This idea for a hybrid confirmation course came about because my husband and I are currently in enrolled in the adult confirmation program at our parish, which we must attend every Sunday until Easter. Fortunately, we have the time and are physically able to attend, but I began to wonder about those adult who are not able to attend f2f meetings due to transportation or time. I wanted to create a program that can accommodate any adult learner who wishes to receive a sacrament.

    1. Hi Luz, I think that is a wonderful idea. I know you would need special permission from the diocese that oversees the church. That might not be so easy, but I hope you can persuade them. We need to be mindful of helping those who want to better themselves, be able to do just that. Good luck!!

    2. Hi Luz - I did this (adult confirmation) a couple of years ago at my church although mine was actually called a refresher for those who wanted to go through it again as I already did it when I was younger. My point is that I am wondering whether if it were to go hybrid whether the purpose will be diminished because there are lots of discussions, bible reading and other activities like fasting and going out and doing some charitable deeds in my own case was visiting a shelter and feeding the homeless. So I am wondering how all of this can be incorporated into having it online/hybrid etc.
      I am just curious and something to think of unless your's is different from mine and it could be.

      Anyway, good luck if it will work.

      - Winnie Nwangwu

    3. Hi Luz and Winnie,

      When my son was born, I went through this program myself. I think perhaps a hybrid course would be ok, but I do think that gathering as a group is very important for the reasons that Winnie lists.
      I am sure you can find a way to make it work and think it's a great idea to try to incorporate f2f and online gatherings!

    4. Thanks for your input, everyone! I've actually changed my topic but you all made very good points. I think that if I were to do it in the future, f2f would definitely be a requirement.


  6. Deliverable #1:
    As the police have recently purchased tablets to allow them to use the e-Citation program, I must create a mandatory training program to instruct the adult learners. The officers have never used a digital ticketing system, and their only experience with writing tickets has been with traditional, paper tickets.
    My program will initially require face to face interaction in the training room of police headquarters. The officers will be familiarized with the tablets, the features of the tablets, and the proper use of the systems. These systems will serve as their Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) that not only allow them to create the e-Citations, but also will allow them to view the active police calls and complete police reports in their vehicles.
    In addition to the face to face training, a training blog will be available for officers to ask questions or to offer assistance to another user. Links to the e-Citation Manual will be available for reference, and officers will be encouraged to check the blog periodically to see any updates or assist a fellow officer. In addition, supervisors will be set up to use Google Hangouts to allow them to discuss their experiences with the new system and bounce ideas off one another (collaborate).
    The department also has access to a program called PMAM, accessible from the website This is a resource available to them to review the policy, manual, or other relevant information about the new e-Citation Program. Using movenote, videos can be posted here as well to address any issues that are causing the officers difficulty. Supervisors and trainers can create and share different training modules that the officers can be tested on to determine their level of understanding of a particular topic.

  7. Deliverable #1

    This presentation was geared towards an introduction opening prior to a workshop with nursing faculty. It involved reflection on teamwork, mentoring and achievements. This allowed faculty to look at their own mentoring styles and to show how we mentor students along the way. It was meant to be a light open introduction and reflection to help faculty think about their own journey and to promote teamwork. This was a F2F meeting being taped for those who may miss it using movenote.

    1. Hi Heidi,

      I agree with you - reflection is so important!! Instructors need this invaluable tool and this video will certainly help them.


    2. Hi Heidi,

      I agree with you - reflection is so important!! Instructors need this invaluable tool and this video will certainly help them.


  8. Deliverable #1:
    I will develop an online training to familiarize new board members with the bylaws of a music booster organization. This will be a mandatory one time training session and will also be accessible to current board members to refer to when a refresher or clarification is needed.

    This organization is comprised of parents of music students in the local school district. All members of the general body are volunteers. The governing board is elected by the general body with at least two seats being elected each school year. The board members are primarily responsible for organizing all fundraising events, marketing events, collecting and disbursing monies/scholarships on behalf of the organization as well as recruiting additional volunteers and decision making for the organization.

    Although every new member of the board comes to the role with motivation and ideas, they also need to have a clear understanding of the bylaws that govern the function of the organization. The bylaws are detailed and describe each role's responsibilities. New members need to have an understanding of their own role as well as those of other members.

    Historically, training on the by-laws has been inconsistent. Adherence has also been inconsistent which has resulted in actions that are not allowable, resignations or impeachment of elected members, and gaps in function of the organization due to unfilled roles. Providing an online training will make the material accessible for the new members at their convenience was well as ensuring that the information shared is consistent. The organization can choose to make the material available prior to someone running for a post so they can make an informed decision to run or to make it mandatory for newly elected members. Ideally, it will be an annual refresher for those who are continuing on for a second year in their post.

    I will be combining tools we are using in this course as my goals are to have a video portion to accompany the written bylaws, some type of monitoring to ensure that the new members have truly watched the video and possibly an interactive quiz to measure their comprehension of the material.

  9. D 1... I created a video intended for multi medi. It has been uploaded to YouTube so it is easily searched. It has been shared on my Facebook and the babies for us Facebook page. Also I put it into a blog that teaches how I made it.

    This unit is meant to be watched online and shared through multi media. The target audience is millennialis and boomer generations. I kept it short to hold attention and put as many quirky movements I could to keep attention but not to distract.

    I believe it will hit its peak watches over the next couple of days and probably continue to gain shares and likes for the next 2 weeks then I wil have to create something else to share awareness.

    Please enjoy and share.

    1. Hi Tai,
      I just watched your youtube. First, let me say, there is nothing better than babies. I like the simplicity of your video. It was short and to the point. I'm trying to get mine down to at least 4 minutes if not less. I also liked the choppy editing. Its creative.

  10. I'm creating a blog or wikispace presentation to assist adults returning back to school or new incoming students acclimate to the college culture. Elevated anxiety levels for lack of confidence is present with nontraditional students that decide to further their education at an older age.

    I am a teaching assistant in the Professional Development cohort of the Human Services Assistant certificate program at Rhode Island College. This is a year long program that if successfully completed, those that choose to matriculate are able to use the credits received towards a degree program. But for most of these students this is their first college experience and they arrive with little to no idea of what is expected of them to be academically successful.

    This presentation will cover topics such as; test anxiety, how to properly take notes, how to effectively read a text book, time/stress management skills and study preparation. Having these basic skills in the beginning of their academic career will build confidence in their ability to complete the program successfully.

    1. I forgot to add this is a one time presentation for each new class.

  11. Deliverable 1:

    My lesson would be geared towards high school aged students. This would be mainly f2f due to the fact that we would meet at school but I would also create an online portion that would allow them to contribute to a discussion that maybe they were uncomfortable talking about in class. They would be allowed to make anonymous responses under usernames that they could choose or I could individually provide them with usernames that they could use in order to keep track of participation. Topics would include bullying, self-esteem, relationships and other things they may come across during their high school years. I could even adjust this and have them post how their opinions hhave changed, if they have, over the course of their high school years. Which would then bring them to their final project during their senior year which would discuss how their opinion began and what changed their views throughout the years. Here is my wiki which is only based on one of the topics I aforementioned. This discussion would be more geared toward their senior year.

    1. every time I post this is disappears. Does anyone know why that would happen? could it be because I typed it on microsoft word and copied and pasted it? I really having an issue with this and any help would be appreciated.

  12. Hi Laura, I know that I have to be signed into my gmail account that I created for this class before I can post. I have to sign in and then reload the blog and then I see that I am commenting as Paula Murray and I can post. If not, then I try to sign in after I have created a post and it just kicks me out. Not sure if that is what is happening with you but thought I would throw it out there for you!

    1. Hi Laura. I know there are problems when you are using a browser other than Google Chrome. That might be the issue???? Good luck!!

    2. Firefox does not work for me - Not sure if it is my computer. I try to use Google at all times.

    3. Even when using Google, I have the same issues Paula!

    4. Hi Paula,

      URI did not enable blogger for us in the domain. I also have been using a generic email in order to post in this class and blog. I lost a few posts either way, so now I have been writing my replies in Word and pasting them here - the internet monster won't get me!

    5. Hi Paula,

      URI did not enable blogger for us in the domain. I also have been using a generic email in order to post in this class and blog. I lost a few posts either way, so now I have been writing my replies in Word and pasting them here - the internet monster won't get me!

    6. Hi Paul, I did the same thing, I created a generic gmail account. What a pain in the butt to have to go back and forth!!

    7. That was the one thing I was prepared for in this class, having more than one email account. I use my uri email for business and some school projects but I have a SHowie account that I use for incognito stuff, lol

  13. Thank you ladies! I've been using chrome, but I think it was from copying it from a word document.

  14. Yes now that everyone mentioned it, I have an issue on my mac using Safari, but when I am in Chrome I am ok. I can't see any of the links in Safari either.
    However, on my PC at work I don't have a problem using Firefox.
    So basically, it's a crap shoot!!

  15. Hi Paula -

    First I apologize to all of you, I was off all last week and and have been trying to catch up with the reading. My father was hospitalized for infection but is doing well now he is 82 years old.
    Now back to this, I am happy to know I am not the only who has to go back and forth signing on two different gmail accounts. Our help desk here at URI introduced me to the so called incognito window where you can run parallel gmail windows at a time and can flip each one you want. however, I am still having problem because I simply cannot have multiple windows open at the same time.
    - Winnie Nwangwu

    1. Hi Winnie,
      I am glad that your father is doing better!

    2. Hi Winnie, Glad to hear your dad is doing better.
      The incognito window is a great help if you can get it to work for you.

  16. I am planning to create a Wikispace for other teachers to access. On the Wiki, I will provide lessons, resources, activities, etc. (basically, anything teaching related). The Wiki will be available for anyone to view but it will have restricted permissions regarding editing.

    The Wiki will contain mainly Geometry and Algebra 2 content, at least for now. If I find that the Wiki is successful I will continue to post other course resources as I get the chance to teach them in the future. I will organize the page by subject and then specifically by the content of the lesson.

    I am hoping that other teachers find this as a helpful resource when searching the web for lessons. I will comment on my posts and discuss how the lesson went (good or bad). As a teacher, it is helpful to know when something was a success, I will include as much personal reflection and feedback as I feel necessary for the lesson.

    I am working on editing the Wiki. When it is ready, I will post the link.

    1. Changed my mind on the setup of the Wiki... In the left menu bar, I will organize the pages by content. Some lessons overlap in courses, therefore I figured it would be easier to see all the topics listed.

      I am still working on the setup, but here is the link to my Wiki

  17. Deliverable #1
    My plan is to create a simplified instructional webcast video which members of the research community at URI including faculty, staff and students involved in sponsored research activities can use to learn how to navigate the system we use in the online creation of their application for sponsored funding. This system known as CAYUSE is an electronic system to system application URI uses to process and disseminate grant and contracts applications to various sponsoring agencies and organizations.
    Currently, we conduct group training or one on one training which sometime are problematic given that everyone in the group may not always be on the same level. With this video presentation it will be portable and easy to use and anyone can view it any time by simply clicking on the link. However, it will not be designed to cover all areas but will have enough information to enable a novice or fairly moderate user navigate the system with minimal ease. My goal is to use MOVENOTE.
    -Winnie Nwangwu

  18. Hi All, I just realized I neglected to post my wikispace join code and url, so here it is

  19. Re-post of deliverable #1:

  20. D1:
    I am thinking of making a video in adobe spark for adult learners in the RN-BS online program and Accelerated Nursing program at UMass-Dartmouth to teach about time management skills.

    1. Hi Michelle: I find Adobe Spark Video easy to use. Adding pictures with voice creates a professional project.

      I found it fun to learn! It is my favorite.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello Michele and Lonnie,

      Using Adobe Spark certainly has many great features. I have used this program many times and the different tools will allow any student to create very nice and clean looking presentation. I am looking forward to seeing both of your presentations!


    4. @ Michele: Great universal topic for any student! It might be worth looking at what your institutions version of student support services offer. No need to invent the wheel if something similar exists but needs a bit of tweaking for nursing students.
      Good luck!

  21. D1: I am considering creating an introductory lesson for a College Success Class. I like to use Adobe Spark Video for presentations.

  22. D1:The deliverable assignment asked us to create a teaching unit and I employed Wikispace forums for this week’s assignment. You are able to upload your own files, create specific forums and facilitate discussion groups. It is an easy-to-use tool, adds significant value to online adult education and has great potential. When I am done with my Wikispace, I will then include it in my blog as I continue to build upon the previous assignments.

    1. @ Matthew: Great idea to have something interactive included in your blog. I added one to my blog as well as a "page" gadget. Is there another way to add a wiki to a blog that you have discovered?
      Keep us posted!
      Be well,

    2. @Linda: That is a great question! This whole process is very fluid, I would just add the wiki to your page if you wanted to as a link but I think the point is that we are trying to utilize multiple sites/platforms.

  23. Looking forward to seeing your project, Matthew. The software sounds like it has so many options. Martha

    1. Dear Martha,

      Thank you very much, I hope you could use my model for your class as well.


  24. Deliverable I and II - Part I
    OCTA 2040: Fieldwork Seminar is a face-to-face course which runs during the final semester of the CCRI OTA Program while students are on fieldwork during the fall semester. Students are required to come to campus from 8am-12:00pm every other Saturday morning.
    The course learning objectives address ACOTE accreditation standards which are not easily addressed in the core curriculum. Level II fieldwork placements provide students with the opportunity to see how information is applied in real-time in a variety of clinical settings (i.e. acute care hospital, psychiatric settings, school setting, home health, hand clinics).
    The structure of the class is loose and students are encouraged to share “glory and gory stories” of clinical situations which may have gone better than anticipated or not quite as planned. They reflect upon changes they made or could have made to improve patient outcomes.
    Students are required to submit 4 reflection papers throughout the semester which require them to delve more deeply into topics covered elsewhere in the program (i.e. cultural awareness, ethics).

     Students are required to work for 32-40 hours, unpaid, during the 16 weeks they are on level II fieldwork. Many quit their jobs or dramatically decrease their work hours. This places a financial strain on most students during the fall semester.
     Students are assigned to fieldwork sites based on availability and interests. Sites are located throughout RI, MA and CT. Many students need to travel distances in order to get to their placement sites. This creates a financial hardship in gas costs, tolls, and wear-and-tear on personal vehicles.
     Offering OCTA 2040 as a hybrid course will decrease the gas and toll costs of getting to/from the Newport campus’

     It is often necessary for students to do a great deal of research and preparation each night and on weekends to get ready for the next day of treatment and to complete projects. Their time is in demand and this often interferes with personal and professional lives. Decreasing the need to travel to/from Newport several times during the course of the semester freeing up time to prepare for fieldwork versus time spent preparing to leave the house and commuting.
     Being able to access the course blog 24/7 allows student to schedule time to engage in the course according to what best suits their schedule. For example, many students are parents who wish to attend soccer games on Saturday morning. This platform would allow them to make that a priority and compete their course work when the children are in bed or doing their homework.

     When students complete the course reflection papers, they discuss the topics with their supervisors then write about how the topic applies to that site only. However, changing the platform and having students respond to prompts on the blog will allow them to learn, for example, how ethics are applied in 20 setting versus just their own. This wealth of information could possibly help them on their next placement or when they are employed.
     Inevitably someone is absent due to illness or family commitments during the semester and they miss out on taking part in classroom discussion. This would not be an issue when all discussion in on the blog and viewable throughout the semester.
    The blog will also provide a venue for students to share resources they find when doing research for projects and treatments. They will not need to wait 2 weeks to give the resource to be copied or scanned and distributed.
     The blog will provide students with a place to go to post questions for classmates in similar settings when problem solving an issue they encountered in the clinic.

    I will have to do this in 2 parts to upload it all.

  25. Part II
     Students will not experience face-to-face interaction of being in class together. A story told in person is typically far more interesting than it is when reading it.
     It is helpful for me to see student responses and behavior during the semester. There have been many times a student has not admitted to struggling in fieldwork yet it is clear through their affect and demeanor something is concerning them.
     Less tech-savvy students may struggle with a novel course platform.
     Going “live” could be a bit chaotic as faculty and students learn to navigate the blog and novel experience of a blog platform for a course.

    Will identify an easy-to-use video recording and upload option to allow students to submit video of themselves via You Tube or to me to upload into the blog for classmates and faculty to view.
    It will be necessary for me to connect individually with each student throughout the semester to insure they have the support they need and feel safe to disclose issues they may be experiencing without an “audience” at all times. Though they will be encouraged to share their challenges as a learning tool for everyone, there are times where privacy is needed to sort out a situation.
    A f-t-f and online orientation will be developed to help students navigate the blog.
    Students will be encouraged to access the blog during the summer session and post comments about their expectations, concerns, and questions about beginning fieldwork.

     The participants involved in the training are CCRI OTA students in the last year, final semester of the program.
     These students are involved in full-time fieldwork experiences during this time.

     Students must clearly understand each area of the AOTA Code of Ethics
     Students must have a clear understanding of how the AOTA Code of Ethics is applied in a variety of clinical settings.
     Students must develop an appreciation for process in place in professional organizations, state, and federal agencies in place to address reported ethical breaches
     Students must develop an appreciation for site-specific policies and procedures which guide staff in addressing ethical concerns
     Students need content to be relevant and easily applicable to clinical settings.
     Students need to feel connected to peers and faculty during this important time at the end of the program to best facilitate commitment to learning
     Students need to received relevant and timely feedback on degree of learning evident in postings
     Students need to be routinely engaged in the learning process throughout the semester

     A 16-week hybrid course involving the use of a blog on BlogSpot where course content
    and resources will be made available.
     Blackboard where grades will be posted and e-mail will be generated
     3 face-to-face meetings at the end of weeks 1, 8, and 16.

     Ethics defined
     AOTA Code of Ethics – Review of the six principles addressed in the official document
     AOTA Standards of practice review
     Role and function of professional organizations in addressing ethical issues – AOTA, ACOTE, NBCOT, RI state licensure board
     Ethical dilemmas
     Solving ethical issues
     Discussion of how fieldwork sites address ethical concerns
     Discussion of ethical concerns which have or could arise in fieldwork settings

     The content will be delivered and addressed over the course of the first 2 weeks of the course.
     Students will be required to submit responses to posted questions/prompts.
     Students will be required to comment on the posts of 2 peers each week.

    Be well, Linda

  26. CCRI Mentor Program D1
    Faculty members who have applied to be mentors and have been accepted into this program.
    Learning Needs:
    •Increase comfort level of mentors who have volunteered to participate in the Mentor Program. Need to learn “how to be a mentor”.
    •Mentors are comfortable teaching CCRI students in a classroom but may need to adjust their teaching style to work with peers & professional adults.
    •Mentors know course content that they are responsible to teach but this program includes college culture and other intangible aspects of their work.
    Topics to be Included:
    -Explanation of the Mentoring Program- Purpose of application process, the how & why of pairings, frequency of meetings, communications and response time, ground rules between dyads, and college ground rules. Identify best practices in college mentoring programs and how CCRI is using these practices with its current format.
    -Purposeful Mentoring- Strategies to assist new faculty members will vary depending upon past experiences & expertise in the classroom. Case studies identifying different ways mentors can provide assistance to mentees’ requests. (Vary level of mentor experience, vary level of mentee background in the cases.) Includes opportunities to meet in small groups to identify strategies. Use various topics in case studies (Ex: Classroom mgmt., tech support, etc).
    -Adult Learning Theories- How to present information effectively for adults to learn.
    -Benefits of Being a Mentor-Recognition and appreciation for their contributions
    Format: Hybrid (F to F with an online component)
    Program lasts for one academic year.
    Initial meeting: Late August F:F
    Lunch & Learn Meetings: As needed throughout the academic year, depending topics generated by mentees/mentors in the online discussion board and/or requests. Mentors may choose to attend these, but the primary purpose is to address topics identified by the mentees.
    Mentors will meet once per semester for lunch and networking opportunities.
    F:F Meeting with Mentors in early May for assessment, recommendations, feedback
    Ongoing Discussions: Done in discussion board to provide mentors opportunities to interact with other mentors, identify topics, provide support, & recruit additional mentors to the program.

    Content for the program will be made available in an online course shell for mentors to access.

    1. Dear Martha,

      I think this program sounds awesome! Like Linda said this really sounds exciting. I love the fact that you will be able to implement this as soon you are done with the creating all of the content.


    2. @ Martha: I was wondering about the mentoring program being offered. I would like to take part in it but my plate if overflowing right now. It will be interesting to hear how it goes. Good luck!

  27. Martha, this looks exciting! I am working on a graduate mentoring program for EDC 583. I may pick your brain on some aspects of its development, if you don't mind.
    Best of luck with this!

    1. Hi Linda,

      I have no doubt that your graduate mentoring program for
      EDC 583 will be a huge success. I will certainly be interested to see how your program develops!


  28. Hi All,

    I am working on creating an online asynchronous workshop for last semester senior nursing students at URI. The focus of this will be to assist with preparation for the NCLEX including application and study techniques. The timeline will be work as you go and will be open to students beginning in their last semester until 6 months or 1 year after graduation. I will likely integrate Adobe Spark and blog type forums to allow for updated information.

    1. Great idea Michaela! That must be a nerve wracking time for nursing students prepping for a national exam. OTA students also take an national exam upon graduation. Big stakes and expensive exam ($600+!) which determines when they can begin working. Its a wonderful idea to provide support to the nursing students prior to graduating. Keep us posted!
      Be well,

  29. Hi all - I saw from the initial instructions that I was supposed to post Deliverable 1 on the week 4 comments, but I don't see I'm going to follow you lead here in this thread! Looking forward to your feedback on this...I'm still noodling the topics...

    Deliverable 1:

    What is it? A potential teaching session I’m thinking of is what I’m calling “Storyline Academy”. Storyline is tool that is used by instructional designers to create engaging and powerful eLearning modules. The tool is unique from more common practices like powerpoint or video because it employs logic to help learners practice making decisions with cause and effect outcomes. Branching, quizzing, scenario based learning are all possibilities with the Storyline tool.

    Who is it for? Instructional Designers on my team are powerhouses at designing learning activities for classroom based sessions! Total rockstars! As the organization grows and requires more flexibility in how we train and how our employees learn, the shift toward more virtual curriculum is happening now. An estimated 20% of our current curriculum is in some “virtual” format. By the end of 2018, I expect that percentage to be closer to 70% online. (Hence why I’m in this class…) With that major shift, it’s imperative that the learning and development team is ready to develop content ready for our online platform that is still effective at behavior change.

    What does it look like? My vision is to create a multilevel curriculum to increase the capability of IDs on my team to development of effective eLEarning and web based training (WBTs).

    Topic 1: Online Adult Learning Theory
    -“Our Digital Culture”: this section will explore the changing landscape of learning through technology.
    -“The Online Adult” this section will define what online learners need to be successful students and compare that to the profile of a classroom learner.
    -“Can You Teach Someone to Dance Online?” Pros and cons of online learning
    -“eLearning: It’s Not Easier!” this section will explore the myth that designing learning online is easier than classroom, or face to face curriculums. Content will include expectations for design process – needs assessment through development and implementation.

    Topic 2: Powerful Stories with Storyline
    -“Stories: How Adults Learn” this section will examine the effect and purpose of storytelling in eLearning
    -The 9 Events of Instruction
    -Intersession work: activities to practice

    Topic 3: Practice Building Powerful Stories in Storyline
    -Take those powerful stories and visualize them with the Storyline tool, submitting projects with states, triggers, open navigation, learner choices, and variables.

    How is it facilitated: I expect this program to be a hybrid of live classroom, self-paced eLearning modules, and virtual synchronous workshops. My expectation is that the curriculum will take place over a 3 month period.

    1. Hi Alicia, This looks great! Topic 2 is wonderful. I bet you get some amazing work when you get to the third component! Martha

    2. Alicia, what an exciting and ambitious project! You are the tech show pony so I'm certain it will be effective! This will help you bridge the tech gap you mentioned in a hangout for another course. If parts are online, those who are not as comfortable will be able to go back to the content and review it,I imagine.
      Excited to hear more about this at the end of the semester presentations.
      Be well,

  30. Professional Development for graduating students

    Participants: 3rd year, 4th year, and graduating college students

    Learning needs:
    During college students are equipped with the knowledge and resources to succeed in their future career, but they are not informed on the steps to get into their future career. I know that I personally would not have been ready to apply to my job without the help of a professional staff member that I worked for during my undergrad. During your last year of college there is always a lot on your plate. At this time you are trying to finish the last of your classes in order to receive your degree, your trying to take the necessary placement tests/ certifications, you’re looking for a temporary job (if you don’t already have one), etc. Some students are never taught how to prepare your resume or cover letter. I honestly didn’t know what to put in my cover letter when I started applying for jobs. I also didn’t know how to write my personal statement when applying for this program. I feel as an Adult Educator a huge part of my job is helping students succeed outside of college. I want to be able to give them the resources to nudge them on the write path.

    -For the students applying for jobs: Resume building and cover letter workshop, improving work communication skills, prepping for interviews (clothes, preparation, and mock interviews)
    -For the students applying for Grad school: Applying for scholarships/assistantships (letting them know the options), requesting reference letters and drafting personal statements, prepping for interviews (if applicable)
    Setting: A mixture between face to face and online.
    -Face to face: resume, personal statement, and cover letter- check ins, mock interviews, communication skills
    -Online: resume, cover letter, personal statement guidelines and examples, scholarship and assistantship options,
    Always having an open door policy so if they need face to face feedback I can offer them that.

    Timeline: I would see this being a Spring semester project, maybe leading into the Summer.

    1. Hi De'Jha, This looks exciting. I also offer content on resume writing etc. but I never thought about preparing for grad. school. I will have to revisit my content. This is great content and so important! The mock interviews sound wonderful! Martha

    2. Good morning De Jha! Great idea to help students prepare for the "what's next" stage of career planning. Like Martha, I offer support for resume writing and interview skill development in the OTA program. I just added that content to my blog. Take a look and see if any of the info could be of use to you. The content on prepping for school beyond is not something I address as most of our students are so financially strapped after wrapping up 3 months of unpaid fieldwork. They are chomping at the bit to obtain employment. It might be something for me to consider should I see a change in the trend.
      Look forward to hearing more about your program as the semester passes!
      Be well,

  31. D#1 – College Success Orientation - Session 1 – Getting to know your College.

    Participants: New Students and College Staff.
    I would like to recruit work/study students after they have been at the college for more than 2 semesters.

    I have created a face to face basic orientation. I plan to offer up to 4 different sessions throughout the semester.
    My ideas at this time:
    1. Getting to know your college.
    2. How is your semester progressing? How can we help?
    3. How to register for courses next semester
    4. Feedback from your first semester and looking ahead to next semester.

    Why a basic orientation?
    I believe we need to start with the basics for Freshman and New Students.

    At the beginning of each semester countless numbers of students visit numerous departments, I help about 1 student every minute of the day, not knowing where their classes are, their CCRI ID#’s, CCRI emails and the names of their professors.

    During the semester, I have at least a few students a day that enter the faculty office area asking for a faculty member or their mailbox not knowing the professors name.

    A student today told me he was looking for his instructor and her name started with an L, but he was not sure if that was her first or last name. Similar situations are a common occurrence. During a busy day, it is tough, but I have each of these students look up their schedule and show me the instructors name. This is to help students learn where the information is.

    Most students have not toured campus and don’t know where essential departments are located. I

    Many students do not know the resources available to them.

    I believe that by offering orientations with what students need to start a semester with and proceeding from what they need throughout the semester with follow up orientations will help students feel confident, supported and stay in school.
    This will also raise retention rates for the college.

    The presentation can be made available to students that cannot make the event for information purposes.

    I would like to use additional technology, but each student would receive personal support through emails. Having students learn their college address emails has been tough therefore other communication technology can be researched as the program progresses.


    1. AdobeSpark is a wonderful tool I have used in the past, but it does not want to cooperate with my new MAC or IPAD. The past few semesters I never had a problem. I even recorded through my phone. Tonight it took 3 hours to record after the presentation was already set up. My screens kept freezing. - Good night. Happy Friday.

    2. Hi Lonnie, I used Spark for a project this summer and it was persnickety. Sadly, you have to keep you content to a minimum for it to work happily. It is also more cooperative (somewhat) if you do not use a wireless connection.

    3. After reading my own Deliverable, again. I realized that I could email the students detailed instructions encouraging them to participate in TodaysMeet. They could ask questions about Orientation #1, give feedback, and seek help as they start the semester. TodaysMeet will allow them to Q & A anonymously if they prefer. If you have time please answer the questions or add comments concerning D#1.


      I am also researching starting a Wiki after the semester starts.

    4. Hi Lonnie! Looks like you have already put a great deal of time into this project! Cudos! When using Spark in the past, I found the more audio the presentation had embedded it, the more issues my groups encountered. Also, the length of the presentation had an impact on the cooperative nature of Spark.
      I am interested to see how you may incorporate a wiki into this.
      Well done!

    5. Lonnie, I just went back to your blog. I wonder if it would be useful to visitors to be able to use active links within the blog. That way they could just click the link and be taken immediately to the site without the additional steps of copying/pasting the link to get there. You should be able to do it when you are designing by looking at the options on the tool bar using the "Link" option. Good luck!

  32. Here is my Deliverable 1 :)
