Session 11
This week's Session will be an extension of the content that we covered in Session 10. In Part 1 we will build open our foundational knowledge of OER's and learn how to find and recognize open content on the web.
Part 1
This challenge will help you learn how to find and recognize open content, such as public domain and Creative Commons licensed videos, images, and websites, in the 'wild'. You'll get acquainted with valuable collections of open content and discover new ways to find them.
There are three elements within Part 1 of S11.
- Choosing a topic or question to focus on, (Try to choose something 'pragmatic' for your present or future work-setting.)
- Finding your resources for #1, and
- Posting links to the results of your search.
You may find the exercises and details for Part 1 "Teach Someone Something with Open Content" here. Please return to this blog and post your information in the comments (due by Midnight on 11/24) before moving on to Part 2 below.
Part 2
In part 2 of Week 11 we will learn how to assemble, adapt, and share open content on the web. This challenge will help you pull together the open content you found on the web in Part 1 and figure out how to properly attribute and mark what you're using.
There are four segments to Part 2. (Throughout Part 2, try to choose something 'pragmatic' for your present or future work-setting.)
There are four segments to Part 2. (Throughout Part 2, try to choose something 'pragmatic' for your present or future work-setting.)
- Organize your resources,
- Edit the resources,
- Attribute the original creators,
- Teach it.
# 4 will have a lot of depth, so this may serve in place of your Deliverable #3.
Please screencast and post to YouTube the "Teach It" assignment described in #4 or you may use a Screencasting tool of your choice. We've reviewed a number of resources to use this semester, but here is a link to some of them again. I find Screencast-o-matic the simplest. Then post a link to the YouTube video w/i your session comments.
Please screencast and post to YouTube the "Teach It" assignment described in #4 or you may use a Screencasting tool of your choice. We've reviewed a number of resources to use this semester, but here is a link to some of them again. I find Screencast-o-matic the simplest. Then post a link to the YouTube video w/i your session comments.
Next week is Thanksgiving Day, so we won't be having class. This means that you have two weeks (Nov. 29th) to complete this assignment, but please note the separate due date for Part 1 above.
The workload for Session 12 will be significantly less than previous weeks, so you may use most of that time to prepare your Final Presentation that you will be giving the class on Dec. 13th. It will be fully online and asynchronous.
Here is a description copied from the syllabus:
Final Project -Create a discipline specific Professional Development/Training or other classroom session that integrates as many of the tools from this course as possible. Instruction regarding this project will be incorporated into each weekly session resulting in the final unit of instruction utilizing tools learned. Short oral presentation (5-7 minutes). It should address how you plan to use these tools, or actually be a snapshot of an actual lesson that you have created using tools and resources discovered from the content learned across the semester.- Presented by Dec. 13th.
I have said repeatedly throughout the semester that we should 'let practicality prevail over all else.' Continuing with this philosophy if you can think of a way to adapt the Final Project to make it more 'practical' for you in your present day setting (or a setting you anticipate for your future) then send me an email with the details and specifics of your 'amendment'. I nearly always approve of them b/c I want you to create a teaching unit that you will find holds value for you.
Good Luck and Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
PS--Thank yo for all the well wishes. I'm on the mend.
PS--Thank yo for all the well wishes. I'm on the mend.
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