As some of you mentioned in your comments and reflections under Session 8, flipping an entire course, or training program, may not be the ideal scenario. Video lectures should be brief and clearly focus on specific learning outcomes. (and not all lessons are meant to be 'flipped') What you really want to do is slowly transition your teaching style so that you can begin to take advantage of the 'flipping concept' without getting too overwhelmed.
Several of you commented on the 'up-front' workload involved. This is a significant factor when you are taking all of the work on yourself, but as I've preached many times this semester--'no man is an island'. You can, and should, take advantage of the vast trove of videos and interactive lessons that others have created and integrate them to reduce your workload. As I said in Session 8, 'Stand on the shoulders of giants'.
Also this semester, we have lightly touched upon the concept of 'Open Educational Resources' or OER's. The concept of 'Openness' becomes extremely powerful when you begin to access videos, tools, and resources that have been created by others (and are freely licensed). They allow you to not only use the work of others, but often allow you to modify, remix, and reuse material for your own purposes. Once you begin to dive more deeply into these resources you'll begin to see how much easier it will become to educate others.
Just like when we spoke about using wikis as a knowledge base or as an eTextbook. If you start off small, and slowly, then your momentum can build. Also, if you can find a partner or peer group to collaborate with, then your project can really pick up some speed.
Let's start off this session by looking at some teachers that have experience 'flipping' and working as trainers. If you haven't joined the community yet, then please do so now. Once you are there you have the option of choosing different communities that offer webinars perpetually to support the theme of that specific community. For example:
is the first community I would like you to join. Once logged in please view two archived webinars to support your evolution towards becoming a 'flipper'.
The first webinar is called, "Flipped Learning---There Must Be a Better Way Than This..."

Click here for the direct link, but you have to be logged into to see it. If you get lost going through links then, once logged in, go to
Now, take a break and when you are done with the video above come back here.
The next webinar for this week is: "The Top 10 Reasons to Flip". After watching this, take the CE Quiz and email me your certificate of completion.
Next we'll delve more deeply into Google Forms and their ability to streamline your teaching, instruction, and life.
Please go through these in order. Let's start with,
4- "Advanced Features with Forms" (OPTIONAL)
5- "Google Forms Challenge" (The directions for this week's 'comments' are within #5.)
So after reviewing the workload above, I concluded that if you were thorough it would take about 5-6 hours, so I decided to make the second half of this session count for Week 10 workload as well. Week 9 Facilitators will still work to engage an interactive dialogue with the class and Week 10 Facilitators will pick up next Thursday, (11/8) for the content below.
Session 10
Session 10
For the next part of this week's session you can continue with your training on the 'flipped classroom' by participating in the "Flipped Classroom Pathway" here on (please remember to write down your user name and passwords this time) 😉 You'll learn how to use videos and podcasts as instructional tools to increase student engagement and support. The Flipped Classroom Pathway is designed to make the best use of face-to-face time with students while also providing them the opportunities to revisit important concepts. Explore the goals and benefits of the flipped classroom to maximize your student learning outcomes. You'll need to sign up for a free account with, so if the link above doesn't work, then once you are logged into the sight, do a search for either the "Flipped Classroom Pathway" or "What is the Flipped Classroom?" and then complete all four lessons. Once you have completed that, come back and share out your thoughts.
Lastly, a little fun. Visit this site list and play with several of these 'collaboration' tools. Not all of them are useful for Adult Education, but many are easily transferable across the age spectrum. Report back to us (in the comments) on one or two of them and whether or not you can see their integration into your future workplace setting.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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